
“Meeting and working with Joe has been one of the most inspirational and life-changing things to come into my life. His approach to company dynamics at Intentional Achievements is amazing! He does not order or direct, he guides and he listens. The result is a company that is not only motivating and exciting to work for but is poised to become a well-respected leader in the industry; and empower many many lives in the process!” – Rebekah


“Joe Price was hired by my former company as a Dale Carnegie Training Instructor. He was my instructor for a class titled “Leadership Training for Managers”.  Joe left a mark on my professional career with his teachings.

Joe left a mark on my professional career with his teachings.

I think about and use the techniques that he instilled in me to this day. I look back on the books and materials because they have helped me to be very successful in the corporate world. I found that Joe’s teaching style created an environment unlike other teaching environments, one that I totally understood. I am proud to have sat in his class.” – Kristofer


“Joseph Price is an innovative thinker, polished leader and a community networking builder! Always thinking of those around him, Joe is a pleasure to work both with and for! – Jessica


“I met Joe when he was launching Intentional Achievements and was impressed right away with his integrity, sense of humor, and honest dedication to improving the lives of his clients. I completed the Intentional Life course last year and was able to pinpoint my personal and professional visions while learning how to balance the various aspects of my life.

The “Decision Triangle” exercise alone has brought tremendous results to my life and eliminated the stress and angst of answering the question “What should I do?” in any given situation.

The “Decision Triangle” exercise alone has brought tremendous results to my life and eliminated the stress and angst of answering the question “What should I do?” in any given situation. Plus Joe made it all fun and interesting….no zoning out in Intentional Achievement classes! Thanks, Joe!!” – Lynda





“When you first asked me to write this recommendation letter for you, my initial reaction was one of delight. “Piece of cake….No problem! …Great, won’t have to think of any creative lies for this one!”

However, when I sat down to actually write it, I ran straight into an interesting quandary. How do I explain what you have done for us, so that a person who is not familiar with my company or me, can really understand the impact that you have had? Who is going to sit still long enough to hear the interesting but necessarily long story of your journey from being perceived as selling “dance studio services”, to becoming a integral part of changing the culture of a utility that is over 200 years old. How do I convey the mountains of praise heaped upon me for bringing in a program that has transformed the lives of people in our organization? And how do I make them hear the sweet silence of my detractors who thought the buying your services was a “poor” decision on my part.

Well the bottom line is that without a seriously long diatribe I can’t. But there is something I can do. If at any time, there is any one that would like to refer to me, so that they can find out about our experience with you, give them my number, and tell them to block out some time.” Sheila

I would like to express, at this time, the overall gratitude which we feel for Joseph Price, the leader of our training program. Mr. Price was with us for a period of eight months and brought into our rapidly growing organization a sense of unity and structure.”

I believe Mr. Price brought out the best in our people. He helped us to identify our strengths, motivating us to think beyond the ordinary, challenged us to set up clear and obtainable goals, and enthusing us with his intelligence and delivery.

Joe Price is a unique individual with an exceptional personality, open-mindedness, confidence and positive attitude that pervaded our organization. As an advertising agency expected to be continually creative, he helped us to find the skills that would enable us to deal with the everyday stress of our jobs. Joe was constructive, always leaving us with the feeling that there was nothing we couldn’t accomplish without guidance and proper motivation to achieve our desired goals.

Joe is the kind of person who commands respect and who inspired and renewed our enthusiasm His performance, personality and sincerity makes him a man whose advice and suggestions we all accept. It is our hope that Joe will be able to bring focus and leadership to those that he works with in the future. He is an exceptional professional in every respect. We highly recommend him.” – George


“It was truly a pleasure to meet you this past week during the Success Through Emotional Competence workshop, presented by you to our Clinical Consulting Division’s senior leadership team.  As I shared with you during our initial telephone call, my skepticism of the accuracy or validity of the subject matter was high. Although I retained my skepticism after receiving the offer to participate in the Success Through Emotional Competence program, I sought to maintain an open mind, to engage fully in the profiling process, and search for some applicability to our business model.  

. . . I was positively amazed at the accuracy with which the profile appeared to sum up my strengths and weaknesses.”

Then when we were able to place the information within the context of the Emotional Competence framework covered in the seminar, it became very clear to me that this self-understanding could prove invaluable to my career development – but even more importantly. I could see this as a very useful staffing, career development and retention tool for our organization. You’ll be pleased to know that right away on Thursday morning; I shared the course materials and my profile with my manager (SVP of HR). I am recommending we involve our Corporate Training Dept. and their VP in this activity, and consider this as a tool we might add.  Thank you for the time spent with our group, for the learning provided during the day together, and for your patience with my questions! It is my hope that we will soon be working together to share the Success Through Emotional Competence program with a much broader audience here. Should you have other business leaders seeking feedback from participants regarding the perceived validity or benefit of the Emotional Competence program, please do not hesitate to share my contact information.” – Brad H.


“Joe Price has been a valuable resource to me and my organization over the last four years. I have personally attended two Training Programs, which Joe facilitated. This training was by far the best business training I have ever received. The course content was extremely good but the manner in which the training was facilitated was key to its success. Joe has an unique way of training: 1) Joe is able to make everyone feel comfortable and insures everyone is participating; 2) Joe is able to make training enjoyable, which supports retention and application in the real world. Joe is able to relate training information with real life situations both his own and class members. This enhances the importance of the training information.

Because of my respect for Joe’s capabilities, we used him to develop and present a customized training program for my company. Joe listened to our requirements, formulated a focused program and presented the program in his unique, professional manner. Each of our participants, none of who had any background, was able to take this training and apply it to their new responsibilities. This training has been key to the success of this group. I strongly recommend Joe Price to you. He is a talented professional who can help you strengthen your own capabilities and those who work within your organization.” – Bob M.


I was inspired to do . . . because Joe Price and Intentional Achievements showed me how important it is to be intentional with whatever you really want from life.”

  “I was inspired to do . . . because Joe Price and Intentional Achievements showed me how important it is to be intentional with whatever you really want from life.  Knowing how to let that bounty into your life starts with intentionally working on how you allow things to come to you. And I intend to help others by passing on my knowledge.” – Annette




“This course has given me the tools to essentially mend the broken rudder of my life and to set myself on an intentional journey through life. . .Began to know a very interesting person; somebody I’ve forgotten about and that was myself. . . Helped me with the confidence as afar as my role pertaining with my boss and my customers. . . This course has helped me become reacquainted with myself–A person with whom I’ve lost contact–and has provided me with a new approach to life and has given me the skills to move forward. My only wish is that I had taken this course years ago. ” – Jack


“I validated my passion for lifelong learning. I validated my Values. It gave me the courage to ask for a promotion.” – Gloria  

I validated my passion for lifelong learning. I validated my Values. It gave me the courage to ask for a promotion.”


“I’m more aware of myself in how I react and communicate. I feel like now I have the tools to change myself so that I can connect better with others. . .I’m planning on expanding my business for the very first time. Instead of being intimidated by the thought of it, I’m [trying] to stay positive and ask the right questions and do the research and take the actions taught to me here to go forward. . .My over reactions are not as often or extreme. I yell at my sons less. It seems like we talk about things more effectively. . .It’s made me realize and feel more confident in what my path is for my business. . .It has shown me that I am my own worst enemy and that is going to change now. . .I kept a very small comfort zone and now see why it needs to grow in order for me to build a business. . .Your teaching style makes it really easy to learn. You allow people to answer whether it is the right or wrong answer.” – Karen


“In taking this class I have become more cognizant of who I am, what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. It’s made it a lot better for me and my life, family and career. . .I am more of a leader than I thought and it also helps me be a better teacher. . .Being more deliberate in my everyday activities. . .Given me more confidence in what I do. . .When you get to a certain age you think “oh I know who I am” but this class really brings a lot out. When you really sit down and think about it. . .You just gotta try it. You won’t know until you take the first step and find out what it’s all about.” – Ken


“After taking IA you really learn so much more to be aware of the things going on around you. . .The awareness level rises after you’ve been through all the modules. . .It’s incredible to learn about how many things have opportunities for planning. . .Benefits in my life include being more inspired in the things I am doing in my school and personal life. . .It’s given me a clear goal and has made me more confident in what I’m doing. . .Its great that even though is hasn’t been adapted for teens yet that I could stay engaged and it was all very relevant and helpful to me.”  – Rebecca


It was extraordinarily helpful and validating for me that I made the right decision to make the life-choice I did. . .I realized the difference in prioritizing and planning. . .It’s something that you can apply for a lifetime.”

 – Anna


“I think the most significant aspect of the Intentional Life course is the way it has impacted my life in shining the light of intention in every area of my life. . .It’s never too late to learn. There’s always something to learn about yourself and this course offers that.” – Roma


“I’m actually doing the things that I plan to do and experiencing success from having a well-defined plan and it’s just very exciting to me how simple it was. . .I’ve really found that I have the courage and the ability to do a lot more things than I ever thought I did. And I think I have not attempted and have not taken the steps and measures to do certain things in my life because I didn’t believe I was capable. . .The person you reintroduced me to is pretty incredible.”  – Lisa


“Through the Intentional Life Program and Joe’s personal mentoring, my business has transformed. The caliber of clients I pursue and attract is much higher and my business income has increased by about 35% over last year’s average. Learning how to actually “plan” my vision, instead of just dreaming about it – has made all the difference in the world!” – Gail

Through the Intentional Life Program and Joe’s personal mentoring, my business has transformed. The caliber of clients I pursue and attract is much higher and my business income has increased by about 35% over last year’s average. Learning how to actually “plan” my vision, instead of just dreaming about it – has made all the difference in the world!”












Your free sampler is extremely informative and interactive. After deciding from the sampler to take your 10 session program, and experiencing it, my whole life changed. I have a new additude, relationship, career, and even travel. It was wonderful building relationships with our classmates and seeing everyone’s life take on dramatic transformations. I loved it when one of the men in the program said he met a fascinating person, …himself! To go from “stuck” to “anything is possible” in such a short time, well all my friends and family thank you…and so do I. – Kim